The Guardians of Kandrakar are a group of five, magical warriors chosen to protect Kandrakar, the center of the universe. Each Guardian rules over one the basic natural elements of Water, Fire, Earth, and Air. The leader rules over Energy or Quintessence, and controls the Heart of Kandrakar, the magical pendant that allows the Guardians to transform into their superhero alter egos by channeling the power of the Aurameres.
In the first season of the animated series, the Guardians were named the Guardians of the Veil. Later in the second season, they were referred to as the Guardians of the Infinite Dimensions.
When the Guardians transform, their appearance is similar to that of fairies. However, except the Guardian of Air, they could not fly, despite having wings. In the TV series, all five Guardians could fly.
Before striking their ending poses during the transformations, all guardians call out the names of their elements, except Will, who says 'Keeper' in the first season and 'The Heart' in the second season.
New generation of guardians[]
- Main article: W.I.T.C.H. (group)
- Will Vandom: The Guardian of Quintessence and Guardian of the Heart of Kandrakar.
- Irma Lair: The Guardian of Water.
- Taranee Cook: The Guardian of Fire.
- Cornelia Hale: The Guardian of Earth.
- Hay Lin: The Guardian of Air.
- Rebecca Rudolph: Not acquired elemental powers.
Previous generation of guardians[]
- Main article: C.H.Y.K.N.
- Cassidy: The former Guardian of Water. She was also briefly the Keeper of the Heart.
- Halinor: The former Guardian of Fire.
- Yan Lin: The former Guardian of Air and the final Keeper of the Heart.
- Kadma: The former Guardian of Earth.
- Nerissa: The former Guardian of Quintessence and the former Keeper of the Heart.
- No male guardians have appeared in the comics, nor the animated series, but, it may be possible that there have been male guardians of Kandrakar.
- As the Heart of Earth, Lillian may be the next guardian of earth when new guardians are in need.
- If there have been male guardians, Chris, Irma's brother, could be one of the next guardians as the guardian of water.