The Gyrotank is an invention created by Gadget Hackwrench. It was used in the episode "The Case of the Cola Cult".
This armored vehicle is comprised of two others: the Rangermobile and the Gyromobile. Both of these had been used earlier in the episode. To the Rangermobile, which was made out of a roller skate and hair-drier, Gadget added a steel cover for protecting passengers from weapons fire. At the top of the cover is a hatch and a viewing window. At the bottom of the Gyrotank, there is another hatch for loading items on board. Gadget used a round frame from the Gyromobile with suction cups installed on it. She joined the frame with the body using two joint-pins. The frame can turn on these pins around the body of the Gyrotank into several positions. When the frame turns into the run position, the roller wheels snuggle up to the sides of the tank. In the run position, the Gyrotank can move on vertical walls and even on ceilings.