Hair-Jitsu is an animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios that was released as a Disney+ exclusive on January 24, 2020.
A young girl faces off against an evil hairdresser as she goes through imaginative lengths to avoid her first haircut.
A young taekwondo active girl is taken by her mother to Baldwin's barber shop to have her exceedingly long hair cut. As soon as she sees the interior, she enters a fantasy where the barber is an evil villain with ninjas and the girl's hair comes to life to help her battle the barber and her evil men.
Eventually, the fantasy is halted by the mother who plops her down in a seat to have her hair cut. Afterwards, the girl is satisfied with her trimmed, but still lengthened hair and happily takes a lollipop that was given to her. As the girl and her mother leave, her cut hair comes to life and attacks the barber.
- When the girl and her mother enter the barber shop, the words "For Mom" can be seen written on the window; a reference to Brian Estrada's mother.