"Hairy Christmas" is the thirty-seventh episode of the Disney Channel animated series American Dragon: Jake Long. It is the sixteenth episode of the show's second season, and the show's Christmas episode.
On Christmas Eve, Fu Dog tells a story of two magical creatures who are not having a jolly holiday: a baby sasquatch that has been separated from its family and Jake, who is fed up with his family's embarrassing holiday traditions. Unfortunately, the sasquatch accidentally not only gets the public's attention, but that of Rotwood, who is determined to capture it.
Jake's parents take Jake and Haley to the mall, where Brad sees Jake on Santa's lap. Overwhelmed with embarrassment, Jake tells his family that all he wants for Christmas was to be free from his "family and their whack traditions". Meanwhile, Trixie is also upset because her dad's plane in Greenland is frozen in ice, and he won't be able to make it home for Christmas.
Spud finds out about the sasquatch and tells Jake about it. Jake runs outside to find it, but is confronted by Huntsboys 88 and 89, who comically chase the sasquatch but only succeed in getting hurt. Jake, Trixie, and Spud follow the sasquatch back to the mall, where Jake confronts his parents once again before resuming the chase. Little do they know that 88 and 89 are also at the mall looking for a present for the Huntsman, and 88 can't decide between a stuffed bunny and an Easy Bake Oven until they see the sasquatch.
Jake chases the sasquatch to where the mayor is lighting the tree, which the baby climbs up. Rotwood follows but loses his balance when the lights turn on. In dragon form, Jake flies up to the tree as Rotwood falls, and 88 and 89 fly by with a Hunts-vehicle, snatching up the baby. Rotwood lands safely on a giant Christmas present box as Jake makes ready to go after the Huntsboys, but the sasquatch's family shows up, very angry. Spud tries to distract them by skating as Jake leaves, but is unsuccessful. Thinking quickly, Trixie wraps her white coat into a bundle, saying that it's the baby, prompting the group of sasquatches to chase after her.
Jake quickly catches up to the Huntsboys. Huntsboy 89 captures him in a net, but out of excitement of that success, he loses control of the vehicle. They crash into a theater where people are performing a Christmas pageant. Jake frees himself from the net, only to be swept up as a part of the pageant as a female Santa dancer, with a Santa skirt and everything, while the Huntsboys leave with the baby. After a couple moments, Jake gets away, flying as fast as he can to catch up, but crashes into Trixie and Spud as 88 and 89 load onto a Hunts-copter just as the sasquatch herd shows up. Jake and the herd both try to attack the copter, but are hit with a stun ray.
Things are then left to Spud. He pulls out a fruitcake and hurls it at the Hunts-copter, causing it to spin out of control with 88 and 89 holding on for dear life. The baby sasquatch is safely reunited with its family. The baby gives Jake its special rattle, and Jake realizes Christmas is not about the parties or the presents; it's about being with family.
Trixie wakes up the next morning to find that her dad had managed to make it home for the holidays. Trixie is delighted but also confused as to how he got home. He is a bit confused himself, explaining that something came over and melted away all the ice and joked about Santa's reindeer breathing fire. Trixie, knowing who really did it, says to herself, "Thanks, Jakie!"
At Jake's house, he gets to place the star on top of their tree. He seems to be fine with his family's traditions – that is, until his father starts listening to their new Christmas record.
Fu then finishes the story while drinking eggnog.
- Fu Dog narrating the story and waddling through the snow are a nod to Sam the Snowman from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
- Haley is the only Long member not wearing antlers.
- It is revealed that Jake not only protects magical creatures, but also rescues humans.
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