Hansel and Gretel is a short that originally aired as part of an episode of Mickey Mouse Works. It was later featured in Mickey's House of Villains and an episode of House of Mouse: "House Ghosts". The music featured is Saint-Saëns' Danse Macabre.
Mickey and Minnie play the roles of Hansel and Gretel in a musical retelling of the classic fairy tale.
Differences in the original story with the cartoon[]
- In the original story, Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods, but in the cartoon, Mickey and Minnie do not get lost, they are just out for a picnic before coming across the candy house.
- Hansel and Gretel when they arrive at the house they start to eat it piece after piece to satisfy their appetite, in the cartoon, Mickey and Minnie only run to the house and do not eat it to satisfy their hunger, they only knock on the door to wait for them receive the witch.
- In both versions, the old woman gives the children several meals up until their appetites are almost full and takes them to a room where they can sleep.
- When the old woman is revealed as a witch, she drags Hansel out of bed and locks him in a cage while forcing Gretel to make her brother fat, in the cartoon, Mickey alerts Minnie about the witch and they both escape from the room where they are attacked by house traps and both are locked in a cage.
- In the cartoon, the candy house traps are present, but they do not appear in the original story.
- In the original story, the witch orders Gretel to light the oven but when she refuses the witch decides to turn it on, so that then Gretel takes the lead and pushes the witch into the oven killing her instantly, in the cartoon the witch does the same Only in this version, she does it with Mickey instead of Minnie, when Minnie comes out of the cage the witch falls into the oven but not before dragging Mickey who makes efforts to escape together with Minnie and both are dragged into the oven, something that doesn't fit with the original version.
- In the original story, Hansel and Gretel run away from the house up until they reach a pond where they are helped by the swans to get home, in the cartoon, the swans do not appear however, Mickey and Minnie share their hug only to be intercepted by the hand of the witch's spirit making them run away.
- Despite being in the Halloween themed film and one of the Halloween themed episodes, this is not technically a Halloween-based short, save the fact a witch is the villain.
- A reference of this episode will be used in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode "A Goofy Fairy Tale".
- The music featured in this short is Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens