Doofenshmirtz: Love was once a crazy dream,
now it's my new evil scheme Doofenshmirtz's girlfriend: And I'm as happy as can be! Both: It's the age-old story
how an evil boy meets an evil girl,
We got a love strong enough to rule the whole wide world
We both maniacally laugh at all the same stuff
I found my other half, yes, I got an evil love! Backup singers: (La-la, la-la-la-la)
Doofenshmirtz: When our robot armies march Girlfriend: To the beating of our hearts,
I'm as happy as can be! Both: It's the age-old story
how an evil boy meets an evil girl
We got a love strong enough to rule the whole wide world
We both maniacally laugh at all the same stuff
You can't foil a plan that's built upon evil love! Backup singers: (Love-love, love-love-love-love) Girlfriend: Oo-ooh...1B375E Doofenshmirtz: Evil love...
Note: Lines in 3366FF are in the album version only
Demo version[]
Love was once a crazy dream
Now it's my new evil scheme
And I'm as happy as can be
If you'll plan it all with me
We'll take this town by force
Hand in hand, of course
And I'm as happy as can be
It's the age-old story
how an evil boy meets an evil girl
We got a love strong enough
to rule the whole wide world
We both maniacally laugh
at all the same things
First we'll steal a glance, then a kiss
And then our wedding rings
When our robot armies march
to the beating of our hearts,
I'm as happy as can be
with this evil girl by me
Hey, Doctor, I'm all yours
Matching lab coats: his and hers
And I'm as happy as can be
When we tell our story
how an evil boy meets an evil girl
We got a love strong enough
to rule the whole wide world
We both maniacally laugh
at all the same things
First we'll steal a glance, then a kiss
And then our wedding rings
Background information[]
Even though in one part of the song Dr. Doofenshmirtz blows up the moon into the shape of a heart, at the end it is a circle.
This is Doofenshmirtz's first musical performance in Season 2.
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