"Happy Tailiversary" is a song sung to Eeyore by Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Owl and Kessie as, in the episode, "Eeyore's Tailiversary", they celebrate his "Tailiversary" - the anniversary of the day in which Eeyore got his tail.
This song is Track 5 on the album Songs from The Book of Pooh. In the story, the song is followed at the end by a brief reprise.
All: Surprise! Happy Tailiversary!
Piglet: It isn't pink and curly...
Rabbit: Or sensible and white...
Tigger: It isn't big and bouncy...
Pooh: But it's just exactly right...
All: Have a Happy, Happy, Happy Taliversary
Happy tail forever may it wag!
With our Happy, Happy, Happy Taliversary
Keep it swinging, never let it sag!
Rabbit: Hail, oh hail, unto your splended tail
Kessie: Decorated with a bow
Tigger: And fastened with a nail
Owl: It has a certain elegance, no other tail can match
Pooh: And when it does fall off, it's not that hard to reattach
All: With a Happy, Happy, Happy Taliversary
And we wish you many, many more!
With a Happy, Happy, Happy Taliversary
Pooh: Even if you don't exactly know what it is for!
All: With a Happy, Happy, Happy Taliversary
Happy, Happy...
Keep it shiny, and on your hiney, and now it's finally the end of our song!