"He Who Laughs Last" is the thirty-fourth episode of the animated series Adventures of the Gummi Bears. It premiered on October 15, 1988, and is the fifth episode of the fourth season.
Fed up with Gummi Bear stories by Sir Gawain, a retired knight and Cavin's grandfather, Lord Willoughby, a wealthy and conniving citizen of Dunwyn, issues a challenge to him: Find evidence of the Bears' existence, or give up his fortune.
Cavin, of course, is stuck between helping his grandfather and keeping the secret of his friends.
Meanwhile, Tummi Gummi is cursed after eating a dangerous fruit, slowly turning into a tree, and his friends must find a spell, and the temporarily lost Gummi Bear Medallion, to save him.
- Corey Burton as Gruffi Gummi
- June Foray as Grammi Gummi
- Katie Leigh as Sunni Gummi
- Jason Marsden as Cavin
- Lorenzo Music as Tummi Gummi
- Noelle North as Cubbi Gummi
- Will Ryan as Lord Willoughby, Unwin
- Michael Rye as Sir Gawain, King Gregor
- Paul Winchell as Zummi Gummi
- This is the second and final appearance of Sir Gawain.
- Gruffi sarcastically refers to Sir Gawain and Zummi as "The Dynamic Duo", a term coined in pop culture for DC Comics' crime fighters Batman and Robin.