Charles Henry Selick is an American stop-motion animation director, who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach (both involved with Tim Burton). He briefly returned to Disney to head a stop motion unit called Shademaker Productions and direct the film The Shadow King and an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, but Disney would shut down the unit and cancel both projects.
After his time with Disney, Selick would go on to direct Laika's first feature film Coraline (also an adaptation of a book by Gaiman) which garnered Academy, Golden Globe, and BAFTA nominations for Best Animated Feature.
Year | Film | Position |
1977 | Pete's Dragon | Inbetween artist |
1978 | The Small One | Assistant animator |
1980 | The Watcher in the Woods | Alien designer: Other World Sequence |
1981 | The Fox and the Hound | Animator: The Bear |
1982 | Tron | Storyboard Artist |
1983 | Winnie the Pooh and a Day for Eeyore | Animator |
Mickey's Christmas Carol | ||
1985 | The Black Cauldron | |
Return to Oz | Storyboard Artist | |
1986 | The Great Mouse Detective | Animator |
1987 | The Brave Little Toaster | Storyboard Artist |
1988 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit | Inbetween Artist |
1993 | The Nightmare Before Christmas | Director |
1996 | James and the Giant Peach |