"Hercules and the Kids" is an episode of Hercules: The Animated Series. It aired on November 28, 1998.
Hercules goes to the Jr. Prometheus Academy as a teacher to a class of kindergartners – Alexander the Great (Courtland Mead), a geek who cannot tie his sandals; Brutus (Pamela Segall), a bully and a centaur; Alcides (Christine Cavanaugh), a kid who is always scared and holding his blanket; Callista (Lacey Chabert), a bratty girl who has an Aphrodite doll; and Phillip (Ryan O'Donohue), a kid with teething problems. On a nature hike, Hercules entrusts the map to Alex, but he loses it in a fight with Brutus. They quickly become lost, and a giant spider and mosquito make them their target. Hercules is wounded after going back for Callista and her Aphrodite doll, so Alex steps up and organizes the group into a rescue team. They free Hercules, who defeats the bugs, and Alex is shown to go from geek to Great under Hercules' tutelage. However, he never learns to tie his sandals.