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Hobo Joe is a human character in The Muppets. He was played by Zach Galifianakis.

He is the only person in the audience as the Muppets begin their telethon to save The Muppet Theater. Kermit overlooks him when pointing out that no one is in the audience; Hobo Joe points out that he's someone and calls for the show to start.

During the show's opening theme song, he sings the line "Why don't you get things started?" in a female soprano voice (dubbed by Joanna Newsom). Later on, he serves as an usher of sorts and offers to show audience members where their seats are for five dollars (once he receives the money, he says "They're somewhere up there.")

Joe appeared briefly in Muppets Most Wanted at the wedding of Miss Piggy and Constantine, commenting that the chaotic events made it the "best Muppet wedding ever!"


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