Housesitters is an animated short starring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy and featuring Pete from the House of Mouse episode "Pete's One-Man Show".
When Mickey and gang have to housesit for a farmer, they get into a fight with the neighbor's housesitter, Pete over the usage of the outhouse. It gets worse when they start having an all-out war.
- This episode has some similarities to the Donald Duck cartoon "The New Neighbor", albeit with Mickey and Goofy added to the mix on Donald's side and set in a hillbilly-like setting. Both cartoons depict Pete as the antagonistic new neighbor which Donald (along with Mickey and Goofy) crosses paths with, with one of them on Donald's side (in this case, Mickey) unsuccessfully trying to get along with their new neighbor Pete due to Pete cruelly abusing them, resulting both neighbors to declare war on each other, Co-incidentally, this episode also recycles the gag from The New Neighbor where Pete treats his new neighbor Donald his freshly-cooked food which his Donald are disgusted by its taste, albeit with Mickey in Donald's place.
- The feud between the Coyfields and the McHats is an obvious parody of the real-life war between the Hatfields and McCoys.