"How Do You Make Kaya?" is the fifth episode of the web series Mickey Go Local. It was aired on November 17, 2019.
No one can resist Minnie's kaya toast with kopi and teh but oh no! There's no more kaya! Mickey is sent to get eggs, panda leaves and coconut to whip up a new batch. Can he do it in time? Will Donald be willing to help? Or maybe it’s time to close shop!
At a market, customers ask Minnie for kaya to which she found out there is no more kaya, so she calls Mickey for help. There, she gives him the ingredient list for kaya just as Mickey searches off for kaya. Meanwhile, Donald is busy taking care of a pandan leaf to which he notices a mysterious creature stealing the leaves, upsetting him. It is revealed that Mickey did take the leaves Donald is caring for in his garden, causing him to be enraged that there are no more pandan leaves in his garden. Mickey then checks off his first ingredient just as he arrives at a henhouse where he tells a hen for another egg after one of them hatched to which she tells him that another egg takes time to be laid. Mickey massages the hen, causing her to lay multiple eggs. Meanwhile, an angry mob is asking Minnie for kaya, leaving Minnie in worry. Back with Mickey, Minnie arrives towards him with the ingredients Mickey found, only to find out there are no coconuts required to make kaya. Mickey grabs some coconuts for Minnie so that she can make kaya for the customers.
Various customers hand out plates to Mickey and Minnie to give toast with kaya to them.
Voice Cast[]
- Azran Bin Ahmad as Mickey Mouse
- Rozita Binti Mohamed Hussain as Minnie Mouse
- Shamsir Bin Mohd Shahar as Donald Duck
- The episode's plot is reminiscent of "Croissant de Triomphe", though only with kaya instead of croissants.
- This is the last to air in the 2010s.