"I Love Fur" is a villain song from the 101 Dalmatians: Animated Storybook PC game. It is sung by Cruella De Vil on page 2.
Fur is just essential darling
Crucial, don't you think?
I just adore chinchilla
Or a lovely baby mink
A rabbit or some foxes
As long as they're in boxes
Oh, life would be obnoxious
Without sable on the label
Cotton is pathetic, and anything synthetic
Is abominable; I know that you concur
But the fur from a Dalmatian
Will be the new sensation
An original creation by me!
Animals are cute
They make a lovely suit
Like an alligator boot on a bear skin rug
Rabbits I just love
For the lining in my glove
And, along with the above
I love ermine, a lynx, leopards and minks
Zebra skin or elk will do
Coyote, beaver, badger, too
Opossum, squirrel, raccoon or deer
I don't care; just bring them here!
Fur is what I have to have
That's all there is to that
Animals were meant to be
A matching coat and hat
A diamond ring's a lovely thing
But still I would prefer
A full length, lovey, rare
Dalmatian fur!