"If You Believe" is a song from the movie, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure sung by Lisa Kelly of Celtic Woman fame.
Time to turn the maple brilliant crimson
Time to turn the aspen's sparkling gold
Time to tumble apples from their branches
Time to turn the breeze's crisp and cold
A chill enfolds the countryside
Kiss of morning mist upon the meadow
Scent of wood smoke swirling in the air
Signals that it's high time for the harvest
Every pumpkin, peach and prickly pear
With ripened fruit to bear
If you believe in who you are
Who you are always meant to be
If you open up your heart
Then you'll set your spirit free
In this time of the season, every leaf on every tree
Will start to shine
Come and see
Take my hand
Come with me and fly
Always standing right beside you
One true friend is there to guide you
To believe
In who you are
Who you are always meant to be
If you open up your heart
Then you'll set your spirit free
In this time of the season, every leaf on every tree
Will start to shine
Come and see
Take my hand
Come with me
And fly