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Ikaris is a Marvel Comics character who appears in Eternals, played by Richard Madden. Ikaris is the tactical leader and the most powerful member of the Eternals.[2]

Ikaris was created by Jack Kirby.



Ikaris is one of ten superpowered Eternals sent by the Celestial Arishem to Earth to exterminate the invasive Deviants. The last Deviants are apparently killed in 1521, however, he and the rest of the Eternals wait for Arishem to tell them that they can leave.

During his stay on Earth, Ikaris was in a relationship with fellow Eternal Sersi, resulting in marriage. However, they later ended up divorcing.

When the Emergence was about to happen and the Eternals planned to stop it, Ikaris betrayed the others and tried to ensure it would happen.

In the final battle, Ikaris attempted to kill Sersi, but found himself unable to due to his love for her. Both he and Sprite joined with the others in the Uni-Mind and Sersi gains enough power to turn Tiamut into marble. Guilt-ridden, Ikaris flies into the Sun


  • In the comics, Ikaris was portrayed as a hero while the MCU portrays him as a conflicted, neutral character.
  • In the film, Sprite was the one responsible for creating the Greek myth of Icarus, inspired by Ikaris. Ironically, Ikaris would commit suicide by flying directly into the sun while Icarus lost his life after flying too close to the sun and falling into the ocean.



External links[]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia page Ikaris. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. Text from Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply.

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