Indian Summer is a 1993 comedy-drama film directed and written by Mike Binder and starring Alan Arkin, Matt Craven, Diane Lane, Bill Paxton, Elizabeth Perkins, Kevin Pollak, Vincent Spano, Julie Warner, and Kimberly Williams.
Seven friends reunite for the summer at the camp they all met when they were teenagers. As they renew friendships and lost loves, they come to realize that this summer will be different from all the others.
- Alan Arkin as Lou "Unca" Handler
- Matt Craven as Jamie Ross
- Brad Deutch as Young Jamie
- Diane Lane as Beth Warden / Claire Everett In A Flashback
- Rebecca Rumsey as Young Beth
- Bill Paxton as Jack Belston
- Noah Plener as Young Jack
- Elizabeth Perkins as Jennifer Morton
- Emily Creed as Young Jennifer
- Kevin Pollak as Brad Berman
- Jeremy Linson as Young Brad
- Sam Raimi as "Stick" Coder
- Vincent Spano as Matthew Berman
- Brian La Pointe as Young Matthew
- Julie Warner as Kelly Berman
- Heidi Marshall as Young Kelly
- Kimberly Williams as Gwen Daugherty
- Richard Chevolleau as Sam Grover
- Illustrations of Spider-Man are seen in the film, ironic considering that Sam Raimi would go on to direct the first Spider-Man film trilogy.
- Sam Raimi and Mike Binder were childhood friends.
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