"Invasion of the Doggy Snatchers" is the second segment of the thirtieth episode of 101 Dalmatians: The Series. It aired on September 25, 1997.
Spot stumbles across a chicken called Sal who believes the pups have been turned into aliens and she won't let Spot into the barn because she believes the 'aliens' will escape.
- The episode title is an obvious homage to the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
- Pieces of this episode are later used in "The Making of...", claiming it to be a pilot for 101 Dalmatians: The Series with an X-Files look to it.
- When the chickens carry Spot into the chicken coop, Spot seems to have her color altered.
- Spot mentions about chickens on a milk carton in "Close But No Cigar", which is shown to be a case here.
- The three pullets on the milk carton look like The Three Stooges.
- When the episode aired on Disney Cinemagic in the UK, the shot of Lucky showing Spot the helium tank is cut for some reason.
- This episode claims 101 Dalmatians: The Series to be set in 1996; one of the few episodes to claim what the year is.
- Lucky mentions the science films they watch are on "Mystery Creepazoid Theater", a possible homage to Mystery Science Theater 3000.
- This episode is one of six episodes where Steven is shown to talk instead of his usual grunting noises, the other five being "Two for the Show", "The Life You Save", "Walk on the Wild Side", "A Christmas Cruella", and "Animal House Party".
- When Steven gets abducted at the end of the episode, his voice sounds different than in the other episodes where he also has dialogue.