"Invisible Munki-Gu" is the second segment of the one hundred and ninth episode of PJ Masks. It premiered on September 17, 2021 alongside "Teeny Weeny to the Rescue", and is the second segment of the sixth episode in the fifth season.
Someone's causing mischief. The PJ Masks blame the villains; the villains blame each other - but it's actually Munki-gu, who's stolen an invisibility ring.
Munki-gu breaks into the pagoda on Mystery Mountain and steals the Ring of Invisibility as a new pranking idea. After first pranking An Yu with it, he takes the ring with him to the city.
The following day, Connor, Amaya, and Greg discover the playground has been vandalized by one of the villains. Connor suspects Night Ninja, Amaya Luna Girl, and Greg Romeo. That night, they become the PJ Masks and attempt to find the culprit. They first try Night Ninja, who is in the park with Marvin practicing with their Sticky Splat. Munki-gu steals some of the splat just before the PJs arrive and uses it on Catboy, who is now sure that Night Ninja is to blame.
As Catboy argues with Night Ninja, who denies having anything to do with what happened to the playground, Munki-gu finds his next target: Romeo and Robot. He breaks into Romeo's Lab, steals the Giggle Gizmo, and puts it in a trash can in the park. He then alerts Gekko, who finds the gadget and thinks Romeo is the villain they are looking for. Romeo meanwhile discovers the theft and suspects Night Ninja to be the thief, sparking an argument between the two villains, with Gekko and Catboy stuck in the middle. The argument quickly escalates and Romeo begins to chase Night Ninja throughout the park while attempting to zap him with the Giggle Gizmo.
Elsewhere in the park, Luna Girl is painting. Munki-gu steals the painting, thus dragging Luna into the conflict. He then causes an argument between the PJs by making it look like they pelted each other with garbage. They quickly come to the conclusion, however, that none of them is to blame, and Gekko suspects they are dealing with an invisible villain. An Yu shows up at the park and confirms Gekko's theory; she has discoverd the Ring of Invisibility was stolen. She must get it back, or the Mountain will get angry.
The PJs quickly pinpoint Munki-gu as the thief and the one causing all the trouble. They track down Romeo, Night Ninja, and Luna Girl, who are now all fighting each other because of Munki-gu's pranks. They try to get the villains to stop fighting, but they refuse to listen. The only solution is to show them who the real culprit is, so the PJs set a trap for Munki-gu. Catboy pretends he has a remote control for his Cat-Car and deliberately leaves it unattended. Munki-gu takes the bait and tries to steal the remote, upon which Gekko traps him with a giant splat ball. Munki-gu attempts to flee while still stuck to the splat ball, which attracts the attention of the other villains. Together, the heroes and villains manage to corner the monkey and take the ring from him. The villains depart after making up, and An Yu takes back the ring as the heroes shout out their victory cry.
- Don't accuse someone of what they didn't do until you get all the facts first.
- Catboy
- Owlette
- Gekko
- PJ Robot
- Munki-Gu
- An Yu
- Romeo
- Robot(brief appearance)
- Luna Girl
- Moths
- Night Ninja
- Ninjalinos
- Marvin