"It's My Party" is the twenty-eighth episode of 101 Dalmatian Street. It premiered on Disney Channel UK on September 21, 2019 and premiered on Disney XD in the United States on May 10, 2021[1].
Dylan, Dolly and Diesel throw a birthday bash for Triple D.
Dylan and Dolly are shocked to realize that Triple-D's birthday is coming up. Notoriously known for having overbearing birthdays, Dylan and Dolly decide to not bring it up to them in the hopes that they forgot about it. Unfortunately, Diesel mentions it to them. However, Triple-D is instead upset that nobody identifies them as individuals and instead demand that they have individual birthday parties instead. Drawing their collars from a bowl, Dylan winds up having to set up a party for Dallas while Dolly has to set one up for Destiny. Because the whole thing was Diesel's fault, he must set up Déjà Vu's party. Believing that Déjà Vu got the short straw, Dylan and Dolly decide to challenge each other with throwing the best party with Dylan focusing on keeping Dallas front and center and Dolly focusing on getting as many attendees as possible.
Dallas wants to have diamonds in her party despite them being very expensive. Dylan, with Dawkins' help, decides to change it up a bit by making it an intergalactic themed party with Dallas as the centerpiece. Meanwhile, Destiny wants to have party themed around animal conservation such as foxes, but Dolly does not think it is attractive enough and instead wants a big blow out party with Destiny wearing a gaudy dress. Déjà Vu on the other hand seems to get along find with Diesel's plan; a mud/digging themed party. Eventually, Dallas and Destiny blow up at Dylan and Dolly for failing to understand them despite being siblings and turn on them.
Dylan and Dolly realize that neither succeeded in making Triple-D happy and decide to look for them to apologize for their egotistical behavior. They hear a noise in the basement and go down to discover that Diesel's mud party has succeeded in not only bringing Destiny, Dallas and Déjà Vu together on something, but that the other puppies are enjoying the simplistic, but still fun party. Dylan and Dolly begin to enjoy the party too as Doug and Delilah return home and also begin to party with their children.
- Josh Brener as Dylan
- Michaela Dietz as Dolly
- Bert Davis as Diesel
- Abigail Zoe Lewis as Dallas
- Lauren Lindsay Donzis as Destiny and Déjà Vu
- Rhys Isaac-Jones as Dawkins
- Maxwell Apple as D.J.
- Margot Powell as Dorothy
- Jack Binstead as Delgado
- Rhashan Stone as Doug
- Ella Kenion as Delilah
- The title is a reference to the Lesley Gore song of the same name.
- The episode reveals that the Dalmatians have trouble differing Triple-D, including themselves.
- According to the series bible, this episode was originally planned to air in the slot in which "Long Tongue Day" was ultimately aired, before "London, We Have a Problem" and paired up with "Doggy Da Vinci" instead of "Fox in the Dog House".