The Jackalope (also known as "The Great American Jackalope") is a character in the Pixar short film Boundin'.
The Jackalope shows a caring and kind personality to the lamb feeling uncomfortable. When the lamb upset about the loss of his wool, he teaches him how to get used to bouncing around without his wool which the lamb follows his advice to which makes the Jackalope satisfied of the lamb listening to him.
Role in the short film[]
When a lamb has been sheared and becomes upset over the loss of his wool coat, the Jackalope arrives to the sulking lamb in which the sheep explains that he is upset over his loss of wool. He then sings a song that teaches the sheep to bounce back from life's troubles to conquer his fear as. After encouraging the sheep with his song, he then travels back to desert with some prairie dogs following him.
- The Jackalope appears on the back of Bud, a van from Cars. Unlike many other "animals" in the Cars world, he is not car-ified.
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