The Jaquins are magical flying creatures that appear in the Disney Channel series Elena of Avalor. They are a cross between a jaguar and a macaw and are known as the guardians of Avalor sworn to protect the kingdom from dark forces that would threaten it. Due to Shuriki's invasion, they were reluctant to trust foreigners such as Sofia until Elena was restored to power.
Jaquins are very friendly toward humans and can speak English dialogue. Jaquins make their homes in high mountains, and much like birds, they sleep in nests and hatch from eggs. They also have an omnivorous diet and are shown eating various food items like meat and even fruits like mangoes. They are very fond of music. Baby Jaquins are fast learners soon after hatching, and can get very cranky when they get hungry, specifically for Anoki Berries. It normally takes baby Jaquins days to hatch from their eggs, but it is known they can come a lot sooner than expected.
Jaquins have acted as guardians for Avalor for centuries by driving out mythical and dangerous creatures out of Avalor. Many Jaquins are greatly ashamed they were not able to defeat Shuriki or drive her out when she first came to power. Keeping with tradition, each year the Jaquins hold a lottery to pick a Navigara, to train three young Jaquins in becoming guardians of Avalor. It is a big responsibility that is taken seriously by the clan.
Physical appearance[]
The Jaquins are a cross between a jaguar and a macaw. Aside from their wings, they have feathers on the back of their legs and on the end of their tails.
Their species, a Jaquin, is a cross between a jaguar and a macaw, which are both indigenous animals to Latin America.
As the guardians of Avalor, the Jaquins are symbolized on the kingdom's flag.
It was shown in Elena and the Secret of Avalor that Jaquins are omnivorous. This may be a blend of the real diets of the two species they are based on, the jaguar which is a carnivore and the macaw which is an herbivore.
King Verago says that he has been ruling as king for over 50 years meaning that similar to a macaw they have long life spans.
Jaquins can use their wings and tails as arms or hands.