Jasiri's Clan, also known as The Hyena Resistance, is a group of hyenas that appear in The Lion Guard. They make their debut in the episode "Lions of the Outlands". They are known to be enemies with Janja's Clan, however, as of "Battle for the Pride Lands", Janja merges his clan with that of Jasiri's.
- "Lions of the Outlands"
- "Rescue in the Outlands"
- "The Hyena Resistance"
- "Battle for the Pride Lands"
- "Return to the Pride Lands"
- Jasiri's Clan are one of two hyena clans in the series to reside in the Outlands with the other being Janja's Clan. However, unlike Janja's Clan, who hunt as much as they want, Jasiri's Clan respects the Circle of Life and scavenge for their food.
- Janja's Clan redeemed themselves and joined Jasiri's Clan after Scar betrayed them and was later defeated.
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