The Jedi Vector is a starfighter used exclusively by the Jedi during the High Republic era. It first appeared in the High Republic novel series, and appear in the Disney Junior series, Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures.
Vectors are small starfighters, built by Valkeri Enterprises for the Jedi Order during the High Republic Era. They are nimble, capable of responding quickly to their Force-sensitive pilots. They can accomidate either a single Jedi or include bot a master and their padawan. Designed from a minimalist perspective, the Vectors lack systems that would otherwise be essential to non-Force-sensitive pilots, including shielding and important computer components. Some of these functions are designed to be operated remotely via The Force in emergencies, and incredibly-skilled Jedi can even pilot a Vector using only the Force.
Jedi Vectors featured Lightsaber-activated weapon systems, which could only be accessed if a Lightsaber is placed on an activation panel in the cockpit. This design element was incorporated as both a security measure as well as a way to ensure that the weapons could only be fired after well-considered action, since Jedi only took life when there was no other choice. Beside weapons, the Vector is also equipped with a droid that can recover a pilot in the event that the cockpit is destabilized.
- The Jedi Vector is based off of some concept art for the ARC-170 starfighter in Revenge of the Sith, originally designed by Warren Fu.