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Jenny Szalinzki is a supporting character in Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves.


In the movie, Jenny plans to invite her friends, Jill, Jody, Holly and Corky, to a party she's hosting in her Uncle Wayne's house. To win the argument, she makes sure her mother, Patti, wouldn't stop her from inviting her friends. To accomplish that, she, her brother, Mitch, and cousin, Adam, bring home the groceries. Before inviting her friends, she tells Adam and Mitch to behave. However, she later despairs when Mitch faints from a potassium deficiency and they can't find his prescription medication. Luckily for her, Adam saves the day by feeding him a banana, remembering an earlier lesson from Wayne about the chemical content of bananas.

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Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Logo
Honey, I Shrunk the KidsHoney, I Blew Up the KidHoney, We Shrunk OurselvesShrunkHoney, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show (episode list)
Disney Parks
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Movie Set AdventureHoney, I Shrunk the Audience
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: Wayne SzalinskiDiane SzalinskiAmy SzalinskiNick SzalinskiQuarkRuss Thompson, Sr.Mae ThompsonRuss Thompson, Jr.Ron ThompsonDr. BrainardProfessor FredericksonAntieThe ScorpionTommy PervisDon ForresterGloria Forrester
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid: Adam SzalinskiDr. Charles HendricksonClifford SterlingMandy Park
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves: Gordon SzalinskiPatti SzalinskiJenny SzalinskiMitch SzalinskiRicky King
Honey, I Shrunk the Audience: Gigabyte
See Also
Szalinzki's Shrinking MachineSzalinski's Growing MachineSzalinzki's Shrinking Machine 2.0