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"Jerry's Lamb" is a song from Disney's 1948 film, So Dear to My Heart. It was sung by Uncle Hiram.


Oh, get out of the way for Jerry's lamb
Hi-diddle-oh for Jerry's lamb
Get out of the way for Jerry's lamb
Hip-hip, get out of the way, woh
Hip-hip, get out of the way, woh
Hip-hip, get out of the way, woh
Hip-hip, get out of the way

v - e - d
So Dear To My Heart logo
So Dear to My Heart
Jeremiah KincaidGranny KincaidTildyUncle HiramWise Old OwlDannySpiderBirdsChristopher ColumbusPete GrundyGrampa MeekerMr. Burns
So Dear to My HeartIt's Whatcha Do With Whatcha GotStick-to-it-ivityHo-Dee-I, Ho-De-ay, At the County FairLavender Blue (Dilly, Dilly)The Honey SongThe Black LambJerry's LambBilly Boy