Jiona is a leopard who appears in The Lion Guard. He is part of Makucha's Army.
Muck like Makucha, Jiona is arrogant and unfriendly and is ready to fight any one who come into his territory. However he knows when to back down from a challenge.
Role in the series[]
The Harmattan[]
Jiona first appears in "The Harmattan" along side Makucha and Fahari when steps into Back Lands on the way to the Tree of Life. They start to attack the guard when a huge dust storm hits. Makucha's leap finds the Lion Guard in a cave.
Triumph of the Roar[]
Jiona helps Makucha's Army alongside Fahari, Ora's Komodo dragons, and Smun and his porcupines fight the Night Pride and the Lion Guard. He gets defeated because Kion uses the Roar of the Elders on him and blasts him far far away from the Tree of Life.
Makucha and Fahari[]
Jiona is in good terms with said leopards part of Makucha's leap. Even though he and Fahari are defeated when the Lion Guard escapes the Harmattan, he is still friends with Makucha.
Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Smun, and the rest of Makucha's Army[]
Alongside Fahari and the other animals part of Makucha's army, Jiona helps Makucha's army become strong enough to defeat the Lion Guard and the Night Pride. However, Kion blasts all the villains away using the Roar of the Elders away from the Tree of Life after mastering it with Askari.
Kion and the rest of the Lion Guard[]
Jiona, Fahari, and Makucha are enemies with the Lion Guard since they also want to get to the Tree of Life to eat the rare animals they find.
Jiona is not only enemies with the Lion Guard but is also enemies with Makini since she is linked to the Lion Guard on their way to the Tree of Life.
Rani and the Night Pride[]
Jiona the Night Pride are enemies since Makucha's army planned to eat all the rare animals near the Tree of Life.
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