John's Apartment is a location featured in the 2021 film Cruella, a live-action prequel to the 1961 animated film One Hundred and One Dalmatians. It is the residence of John, the former valet and loyal confidante of Baroness Von Hellman, the film's main antagonist. John's Apartment serves as a haven for Estella, the protagonist of the film, who later adopts the persona of Cruella De Vil.
Located in London, John's Apartment is a spacious and elegant flat with a fireplace, a piano, and a large window overlooking the city. John invites Estella to stay at his apartment after he rescues her from a fire set by the Baroness, who attempted to kill her. He reveals to Estella that the Baroness is her mother, who ordered him to get rid of her as a baby. He also shows her a secret key hidden in her mother's necklace, which unlocks a box containing her birth records.
John's Apartment becomes the headquarters for Estella and her friends Jasper and Horace, who help her plot her revenge against the Baroness. John also acts as an inside man for Estella, providing her with information and access to the Baroness' events. In the film's climax, Estella tricks the Baroness into being arrested for her murder and inherits her fortune and mansion, which she renames Hell Hall. John greets her at the fireplace and asks her what she plans to do next, to which she replies with a twisted smile.