John Collins is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, featured in the Marvel Disney+ series WandaVision. He is amongst the many residents of Westview, who becomes entrapped, when Wanda unleashes chaos magic, barricading the town, and transforming everything within, into a sitcom. In this new world, he is assigned the identity of Herb. He is is the next-door neighbor of Wanda Maximoff and Vision, and also part of the Neighborhood Watch. As each episode passes, Herb adapts into a new time period. He makes his debut in the second episode, and is portrayed by David Payton.
Marvel Cinematic Universe[]
In 2023, a short period after the Blip occurred, John Collins, leaves a store in Westview, as Wand Maximoff, drives into town. A few moments later, John becomes entrapped in the town, and everything in the borders, is transformed, into a black and white, 1950s sitcom. He is assigned the new identity of Herb. Under this new persona, John is aware of everything that happens, but but has no control, and feels Wanda's pain. When she goes to sleep, he suffers from Wanda's nightmares. As Herb, he is part of a neighborhood watch, along with other Westview men, from the area, and the group regularly meet at the public library, although the watch, serves as more of a social setting, for gossiping and eating.
The second episode takes place in the 1960s. While Herb is at one of the neighborhood watch meetings, the group are discussing a fellow neighbor's lawn, when Vision arrives. They inform him it's exclusive to members. Vision, who is oblivious at their hints, offers to stay, but be quiet until new business opens up. When Herb informs him, they were getting to new business, Vision begins inquiring about various security protocols, in the neighborhood. Norm informs him, that "new business" is a term they use for Danish pastries, and when Phil offers him one, Vision refuses, on the basis he doesn't eat, much to the confusion of Herb and everyone else. Vision quickly explains to the group that he only eats in between meals, and Herb supports his point, before leading he conversation back to gossip. He divulges, that the tree house their neighbor Johnson claimed to have built, was actually prefabricated. Norms adds that he Arthur brought his bowling trophies at a yard sale, which doesn't surprise Herb, who never once saw him at the bowling alley. In an attempt to join in, Vision claims Norm is a communist, to the amusement of Herb and everyone else, who begin laughing at his joke. Herb offers Vision a piece of gum, and Vision accepts. Norm reflects on his humorous personality, and Herb recalls how differently he thought of him, from when he entered the library, and was jokingly talking about protocols, and gives him a friendly slap on the back. The time of the Westview talent show arrives, and Herb is in attendance at the audience, sitting alongside Norm. The pair watch Vision and Wanda's comedic magic performance, and as they go through different tricks, Vision calls on Herbert (whom he drunkenly refers to as Sherbert), for his next magic trick. He asks him to pick a card from the deck, and then place it back in. Herb does, so and when Vision shuffles the deck and pulls out a card, he asks Herb if this was the card he chose. Herb informs him it isn't, and Vision goes through every single playing card, until he finally reaches Herb's, and when he confirm it to be his, Vision gives him the card back. Herb continues watching the rest of the performance, and when they reach their final trick with the magical Cabinet of Mysteries, Herb begins the chant "What's in the box?", which catches on, with the rest of the audience. When Vision opens the door, Geraldine appears and Herb can be seen clapping, alongside the rest of the audience. Dottie prizes them with the best comedic performance and Herb joins in on the applause.
During the opening sequence of the third episode, which takes place in the 1970s, Herb can be seen leaving the library with Vision and Phil. While Herb is trimming his hedges, Agatha heads over to his house, and uses her magic of mental manipulation on him. He becomes on edge, and while using his hedge trimmer, he goes into the wall that separates his house from Vision's. Vision points this out to him, and Herb acknowledges this, and thanks him, but continues to do so, while looking at him directly. Agatha (using her alias as Agnes) later meets up with Herb, and the pair begin discussing Geraldine, entering Wanda's home, and Wanda's possible pregnancy. As they do so, Vision arrives from his house and greets the pair. Before he returns home, Agnes asks if Geraldine is inside, and Herb tells Vision that she's brand new in town, with Agnes adding she has no family, or home. Vision further inquires about what they said, and Herb begins to reveal that she came because of everyone. Vision further questions him, but before Herb can finish what he's saying, Agnes tells him to stop it, and gives him a fearful look. Rather than disclosing what he had to say, Herb, along with Agnes, departs.
The sixth episode takes place in the early 2000s. On Halloween, Herb dresses up as Frankenstein, and goes on patrol, during trick-or-treating hours. Wanda runs into him, and the two briefly talk, but Herb gets a call, telling him that all the candy has disappeared, the jack-o'-lanterns have been smashed and everyone has been covered in silly string. He apologizes to her, and tells her he has to leave, so she suggests that Vision could help her out. Herb informs her, Vision's not on duty, and Wanda appears to be confused by this. Herb offers his services to her, but she tells him she's fine, and so, he says his goodbyes, and leaves.
Herb is out in town, with Norm, when suddenly, the true personas of the towns residents are restored. Herb reverts backs to his true identity, of John Collins, and approaches Wanda, alongside several other people. John tells Wanda that he doesn't recognize his own face in the mirror, or his voice when he speaks. He talks of how he used to try to resist, but now he can't remember why, and asks if she does. Wanda tries to assure the group that she is protecting them, but they all simultaneously beg her, to free them. She screams at them to stop, releasing a burst of red magic, and placing them all in a choke. John falls to the ground, unable to breathe, alongside everyone else, and Wanda quickly undoes this. She promises that she will let them go, and begins lowering the Hex, surrounding Westview. John and everyone run to escape, but it is quickly brought back. A battle ensues in the sky, between Wanda, and Agatha Harkness, and once it's over, the Hex begins to disappear, restoring the town, and its residents, to their original state.
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