"Judge Me Tender" is the twenty-fourth episode of the third season of the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana and the seventy-ninth episode of the series overall. It aired on October 18, 2009. It was written by Andrew Green and directed by Bob Koherr. The title is a nod to "Love Me Tender" by Elvis Presley.
Oliver auditions for the reality show America's Top Talent while Hannah is a judge filling in for Kara DioGuardi. His performance is outstanding and he becomes an overnight hit but the attention that he receives causes him to neglect Lilly. Lilly asks Miley to give him a bad review after his next performance so that he won't progress to the next round. Unfortunately for Lilly and Miley his performance is so good that Miley is torn between her loyalty to Lilly and honesty in appraising Oliver's performance. Lilly gives Miley permission to give Oliver a good review after seeing what a struggle it is to deny his excellent performance. After the show, Miley talks to Oliver and he apologizes to Lilly. Meanwhile, Robby punishes Jackson by making him clean the attic after he receives a traffic ticket. When another ticket arrives, Robby opens it, ready to punish Jackson, when he finds out it was him who ran the red light.