Jumbo Jumbo is a stubborn elephant from the Timon & Pumbaa TV series. He appears in "Zazu's Off Day Off".
Physical Description[]
Jumbo Jumbo has the appearance of an ordinary elephant. When he has to go to work, he wears a fedora and glasses.
Jumbo Jumbo is known to be a very stubborn elephant. He doesn't seem to care that him blocking the river causes the other animals of the Pride Lands to die of thirst. He can also be be very tough, as shown when he squeezes Zazu very tightly when he tells that he will stay on his spot and will therefore not move.
Role in the series[]
"Zazu's Off Day Off"[]
Jumbo Jumbo relaxes in a river, though he blocks the water of the ravine, causing the animals to die of thirst according to Gopher. When Gopher brings this news to Zazu, who tries to enjoy his day off, the hornbill has to fix the problem.
When Zazu finds out that Jumbo Jumbo is the one blocking the river, he tries to convince the elephant to move, but he refuses to do so. Zazu then shows him the Standard Jungle Animal Contract that he signed to show respect to the tradition of the Circle of Life. Jumbo Jumbo, however, eats the form and blows the pieces on Zazu.
Since Jumbo Jumbo refuses to listen to Zazu, the hornbill has to try to make the elephant move himself. After two failed attempts to do so, Gopher suggests that he tries to make it rain on the other side of the river. This attempt, however, also fails and Zazu gives up.
Jumbo Jumbo then tells Zazu that the reason he was sitting in the river in the first place is because he believes it's his day off. When Zazu corrects Jumbo Jumbo by telling him that it is actually his day off, showing him a form for proof. Realizing that Zazu is right, Jumbo Jumbo leaves the river to go back to his herd, leaving the water to splash on Zazu.
As Zazu is about to enjoy the rest of his day off, Gopher informs him that it will be Jumbo Jumbo's day off the next day. This makes Zazu pass out as he believes that Jumbo Jumbo will block the river once again and he will have to find a way to make him move.
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