Just a Thought is an animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios in the Short Circuit series that was released as a Disney+ exclusive on January 24, 2020.
An awkward 12-year-old boy named Ollie experiences “bubble trouble” when his true feelings for a girl are embarrassingly revealed in the form of a physical thought bubble.
Presented in the style of a newspaper comic strip, Ollie is at school trying to get his books in order at his locker when a girl comes to help him out. Ollie is immediately smitten with her and proceeds to produce a thought bubble about her. Another boy sees this and laughs at him. Ollie's thought bubble, personified with a version of himself, tries to get him to talk to the girl, but he is too embarrassed.
After many failed attempts at trying to get the girl's attention, Ollie tosses his thought bubble out the window and joins his class. The thought bubble appears through the window, making more damning declarations. Eventually, the bubble produces a thought of Ollie and the girl getting married and having kids, and everyone laughs.
After school, Ollie is sitting on the steps in despair when he sees a thought bubble with a picture of him in it. This bubble turns out to belong to the girl who sits right next to Ollie. As both thought bubbles merge, Ollie holds the girl's hand and smiles.
- Jack H. Menz as Ollie