L-Pop is a Latin American original series that premiered on Disney+ on September 27, 2023. The series follows Andrea, a K-pop fan who forms a cover dance group to compete in a trip to Seoul, South Korea. It explores the world of K-pop and Korean culture through music, dance, and comedy. The series was produced by BTF Media and stars Andrea de Alba, Isan, Alicia Jaziz, Arantza Ruiz, Macarena Oz, and Juan Fonsalido. It features choreography by Guille Gómez and her agency Danza 3, as well as costumes, hair, and makeup inspired by the K-pop aesthetic. The series also built a Koreatown set to represent the fusion of Korean and Mexican culture.
Andrea is a dental student who works at a coffee shop in Mexico City's Koreatown. She is obsessed with K-pop, the popular genre of Korean pop music, and dreams of becoming a K-pop star. When she learns about a dance contest whose prize is a trip to Korea, she decides to form the best dance cover group ever. She recruits Ji-Won, a Korean exchange student who teaches her K-pop moves; Pau, a fashionista and aspiring influencer; Indra, a rebellious punk rocker; Silvana, a shy nerd; and Tomás, an office worker and K-pop expert.
Together, they form L-Pop, a group that combines Latin American and Korean pop styles. As they prepare for the contest, they face various challenges and obstacles, such as rival groups, family issues, romantic interests, cultural differences, and personal conflicts. They also discover more about themselves, their passions, their friendships, and their dreams. Along the way, they learn to appreciate and respect Korean culture, language, cuisine, and traditions.
- Andrea de Alba as Andrea
- Isan Beomhyun Lee as Ji-Won
- Alicia Jaziz as Paulina "Pau"
- Jin-Moon as Hye-Jin
- Arantza Ruiz as Indra
- Macarena Oz as Silvana
- Juan Fonsalido as Tomás
- Diego Casba as Pablo
- Pamela Cervanes as Lety
Created by BTF Media for Disney+, the series was inspired by the global phenomenon of K-pop and its impact on Latin American audiences. It aimed to showcase the diversity and talent of Latin American actors, singers, dancers, and creators. Filmed in Mexico City, the series featured original songs composed by Latin American and Korean artists. It also featured choreography by Guille Gómez and her agency Danza 3, who trained the cast in various K-pop dance styles.
The series hired Korean consultants to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the Korean elements in the show. It also built a Koreatown set to recreate the atmosphere of a Korean neighborhood in Mexico City. The set included various shops, restaurants, signs, decorations, and props that reflected the fusion of Korean and Mexican culture. The series premiered on Disney+ on September 27, 2023, with six episodes released simultaneously for streaming.