LEGO Pixar: Bricktoons is an animated short series that was released exclusively on Disney+ on September 4, 2024. The shorts feature characters from Pixar animated features, rendered as LEGO characters.
All franchises besides Cars have appeared in the movies or at the Pixar Fest party where a new poster for The Incredibles version of Cars and Finding Nemo version of Cars were seen, while in Cars 2 a painting parodying Brave appeared and in Cars 3 you can see Ernesto de la Cruz's guitar (Coco's character) and Santa Cecilia (the place where Coco takes place)
McQueen returns in his form from the LEGO Cars 2 line of sets with the Cars 3 bodywork. But Mater returns in his LEGO Cars 2 form.
This is the first time that McQueen has his monster truck form in LEGO.
Todd appears for the second time in his LEGO form in this series, the first time was in LEGO The Incredibles, but now his Cars version has his LEGO form.