The Lair of the Lion Guard is a location in the 2015 TV film The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar and its 2016 follow-up series The Lion Guard. It is a cave hidden within Pride Rock and serves as the meeting place of the Lion Guard.
On the walls of the cave are paintings of previous Lion Guards, including an image of Kion leading his Lion Guard. By using Rafiki's staff, the paintings can come to life and show the history of the Pride Lands, as long as they are touched in the right order and long enough to see the story.
Beginning in the premiere of the third season after Kion and Ono are injured during the final battle against Scar and it is found out that there is no cure for the venom Kion has after receiving a venomous scar from Ushari, Rafiki explains that the only way for Kion to be healed is to get to the Tree of Life, which is very far away from the Pride Lands. The Lion Guard then uses Rafiki's map to follow the landmarks marked on the Moja Kwa Moja Stones featuring paintings of the landmarks shown on Rafiki's map while on their journey just as they leave the Pride Lands to get to the Tree of Life.
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