Laszlo is a character from Disney's 2007 animated feature film, Meet the Robinsons. The son of Fritz and Petunia Robinson and the brother of Tallulah Robinson, he is a painter that uses a special flight pack.
Laszlo, like his family, appears to be rather eccentric, with his main focus on his art. He also fights with his sister, Tallulah. However, also like his family, Laszlo is shown to be a caring person who will do what it takes to protect his loved ones from harm.
Role in the film[]
Laszlo is first introduced when Lewis is touring the house. Creating great paintings with his paint gun, he earns the frustration of his sister, as Laszlo has painted her hat again. Their father tells them to stop fighting to keep from waking Petunia.
- In the original book, Laszlo had an anti-gravity device instead of a painting and flight machine.