The Lemmings are a group of characters in Disney's 2016 animated feature film Zootopia. They are a group of anthropomorphic lemmings who work at the Lemming Brothers Bank.
The lemmings are a group of anthropomorphic rodents (hence their name) that are identical to each other. Each lemming wears a black and white tuxedo suit with a purple and yellow-striped necktie they wear on their neck, showing that they are business-mammals who work for the Lemming Brothers Bank. They are shown to enjoy Pawpsicles which Nick Wilde sells so he can make money, showing that they are fond of eating this dessert made from a Jumbo Pop. Not much of their personality is known as they do not speak.
The lemmings are first seen in the beginning of the film at the Zootopia Central Station where they are seen in the background sliding down hamster-sized tubes on their way to work.
Later in the film, the lemmings are seen leaving the Lemming Brothers Bank where several lemmings exit and approach Nick Wilde's makeshift Pawpsicle stand where they are seen buying them, even though some left. As the lemmings enjoy the pawpsicles, they happily consume them and throw the stick away, which are collected by Finnick. They are not seen again afterwards.
Other appearances[]
Emoticon versions of the lemmings also appear in the Zootopia installment as part of the As Told by Emoji short series. When Nick reduces the Jumbo Pop's large size to the size of individual pawpsicles, he hops on the "Paste" option to help Finnick feed each lemming a pawpsicle while each of them gives Nick money.
A singular lemming was an unlockable character in the discontinued mobile game. To unlock the lemming, the player had to play as Nick Wilde to find a pawpsicle in order to unlock him.
The lemmings also appear in the Zootopia-themed float in animatronic form in the Tokyo Disneyland parade following each other in a clockwise direction going through a miniature building with one of them holding a pawpsicle.
The lemmings' designs are actually recycled versions of the Gerbil Jerks, two characters that were originally cut from an early version of the film where Nick Wilde was to be the protagonist, but somehow made a cameo in the final version of the film with Judy Hopps as the main protagonist.
In the promotional site, Visit Zootopia, one of the lemmings was named "Reggie".