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"Light or Dark Meat?" is the second segment of the thirteenth episode of The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show.


Pith Possum and Obediah take a vacation cruise on the S.S. Gasbubble, unaware that the captain is actually Dr. Paul Bunion in disguise.


  • The original S.S. Gasbubble captain makes a single, brief appearance.
  • This marks the final appearances of Pith Possum, Obediah, and Dr. Paul Bunion.
  • Obediah mentions the fact that Super Cicada is taking over Pith and Obediah's crime fighting duties, while Pith and Obediah are on their vacation. This could mean that the heroes have other contacts with other superheroes outside Possum City that can handle the work for them while they are away.
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Shnookums and Meat logo
The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon ShowShnookums and Meat theme
Shnookums and Meat • Toulouse • Pith PossumDoris Deer • Obediah the Wonder Raccoon • Commissioner Stress • Lieutenant Tension • Dr. Paul Bunion • Easter Bunny Impostor • Shirley Pimple • Tex Tinstar • Smelly Deputy Chafe • Percy Lacedaisy • Floyd the Insane Rattlesnake • Wrongo • Ian and Clem • Krusty Rustknuckle
"Weight for Me / Phantom Mask of the Dark Black Darkness of Black / A Fistful of Foodstamps" • "Ow, Hey! / Darkness on the Edge of Black / For a Few Foodstamps More" • "Bugging Out! / Night of Darkness / The Good, the Bad, and the Wiggly" • "Poodle Panic / The Darkness, it is Dark! / Low Pants Drifter" • "Cabin Fever / Return of the Night of Blacker Darkness / Stale Rider" • "Pain in the Brain / Haunt of the Night of Blacker Darkness / Loathsome Dove" • "Step-Ladder to Heaven / Bride of Darkness / Magnificent Eleven" • "Kung Fu Kitty / Son of the Cursed Black of Darkness / Saddlesores, Sagebrush and Seaweed" • "I.Q. You Too! / The Light of Darkness / Slap-Happy Trails" • "Something's Fishy / Return of the Dark Mask of Phantom Blackness / My Spine Hurts" • "Night of the Living Shnookums / Dark of the Darker Darkness / The Vinyl Frontier" • "Jingle Bells, Something Smells / Dark Quest for Darkness / Hey, Careful! That's My Cerebellum!" • "What a Turkey! / Light or Dark Meat? / There Are Spiders All Over Me!"