Lightning in a Bottle is an animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios that was released as a Disney+ exclusive on January 24, 2020.
During a thunderstorm, a young boy's effort to capture lightning in a glass bottle as part of a science fair project succeed beyond his wildest expectations, but is shocked when he discovers the consequences of this unnatural feat.
A farm boy wants to enter the Fremont Elementary School Science Fair by catching lightning in a bottle. To do this, he leaves several bottles with lightning rods in them in the middle of a field as a lightning storm approaches. His experiment is a success as a small lightning ball creature is trapped in one of his bottles and discovers that he conducts static electricity to his hair.
The storm becomes more severe as lightning bolts begin striking the ground as the boy runs for cover. The small creature then stops time around them as another lightning creature comes down from the sky to rescue its kind. The boy solemnly releases the creature as time returns to normal. As the boy walks away however, the lightning creates exuberant fireworks to please the boy.
In the credits, the boy enters the science fair and recreates a similar static electricity light bulb that excites another student and the rest of the faculty.