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The following is a list of cryptograms from Gravity Falls. There is a cryptogram during the credits of each episode. They use Caesar ciphers, Atbash ciphers, the A1Z26 cipher, and keyed Vigenère ciphers. Episodes 1-6 are Caesar ciphers, Episodes 7-13 are Atbash ciphers, Episodes 14-19 are the A1Z26 cipher, Episodes 21-30 are Vigenère ciphers, and Episode 20 and 31 are Combined ciphers. Book 3 contains a symbol substitution cipher.

Season 1 cryptograms[]

Caesar ciphers[]

The Caesar ciphers used in Gravity Falls substitute the original letter for the third letter before it. In the case for letters X, Y, and Z you must cycle through to the beginning of the alphabet.

Caesar cipher table

Cryptogram A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Meaning X Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W

Gravity Falls Title Theme[]

  • During the intro, there is a cryptogram that reads "VWDQ LV QRW ZKDW KH VHHPV." Once decoded, it reads "STAN IS NOT WHAT HE SEEMS."

Mystery Shack Mystery[]

  • During the game, look on Stan's desk to see a cryptogram that reads "HYHU QRWLFHG VWDQV WDWWRR." Once decoded, it reads "EVER NOTICED STANS TATTOO."

Rumble's Revenge[]

  • There are 12 cryptograms in Rumble's Revenge.
  • Take all the capitalized letters from the decoded messages together and you get: "MY NAME IS BILL".

Tourist Trapped[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "ZHOFRPH WR JUDYLWB IDOOV." Once decoded, it reads "WELCOME TO GRAVITY FALLS."

The Legend of the Gobblewonker[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads: "QHAW ZHHN: UHWXUQ WR EXWW LVODQG." Once decoded, it reads "NEXT WEEK: RETURN TO BUTT ISLAND."


  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "KH'V VWLOO LQ WKH YHQWV." Once decoded, it reads "HE'S STILL IN THE VENTS."

The Hand That Rocks the Mabel[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "FDUOD, ZKB ZROW BRY FDOO PH?" Once decoded, it reads "CARLA, WHY WONT YOU CALL ME?"

The Inconveniencing[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "RQZDUGV DRVKLPD!" Once decoded, it reads "ONWARDS AOSHIMA!"

Dipper vs. Manliness[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "PU. FDHVDULDQ ZLOO EH RXW QHAW ZHHN. PU. DWEDVK ZLOO VXEVWLWXWH." Once decoded, it reads "MR. CAESARIAN WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEK. MR. ATBASH WILL SUBSTITUTE."

Carpet Diem[]


Land Before Swine[]

  • During Stan's fantasy sequence we see his back turned and his bare back. Where his tattoo should be is instead "OLHV." Once decoded it says "LIES."


  • Stan's mindscape version of the Mystery Shack had "PBVWHUB VKDFN" over the main entrance. Once decoded it says, "MYSTERY SHACK."

Gideon Rises[]

  • A message is hidden in the pipes of the Mystery Shack that say "ELOO LV ZDWFKLQJ". Once decoded it says, "BILL IS WATCHING".

Atbash ciphers[]

Atbash ciphers are decoded by reversing the letter, an example includes that an A turns into a Z.

Atbash cipher table

Cryptogram A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Meaning Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A

Double Dipper[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "KZKVI QZN WRKKVI HZBH: "ZFFTSDCJSTZWHZWHZWFS!"" Once decoded, it reads "PAPER JAM DIPPER SAYS: "AUUGHWXQHGADSADSADUH!"."

Irrational Treasure[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "V. KOFIRYFH GIVNYOVB." Once decoded, it reads "E. PLURIBUS TREMBLEY." Which is Latin for, "Out of many, Trembley."

The Time Traveler's Pig[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "MLG S.T. DVOOH ZKKILEVW" Once decoded, it reads "NOT H.G. WELLS APPROVED." H.G. Wells wrote fiction about time travel.

Fight Fighters[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "HLIIB WRKKVI, YFG BLFI DVMWB RH RM ZMLGSVI XZHGOV" Once decoded, it reads "SORRY DIPPER, BUT YOUR WENDY IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE." Which is a reference to the infamous Super Mario Bros. quote: "Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!"

Little Dipper[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "GSV RMERHRYOV DRAZIW RH DZGXSRMT" Once decoded, it reads "THE INVISIBLE WIZARD IS WATCHING."


  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "YILFTSG GL BLF YB SLNVDLIP: GSV XZMWB" Once decoded, it reads "BROUGHT TO YOU BY HOMEWORK: THE CANDY."

Boss Mabel[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "SVZEB RH GSV SVZW GSZG DVZIH GSV UVA" Once decoded, it reads "HEAVY IS THE HEAD THAT WEARS THE FEZ."

A1Z26 cipher[]

The A1Z26 cipher is a simple substitution cipher decoded by substituting the nᵗʰ letter of the alphabet for given number n.

A1Z26 cipher table

Cryptogram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Meaning A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bottomless Pit![]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "14-5-24-20 21-16: "6-15-15-20-2-15-20 20-23-15: 7-18-21-14-11-12-5 '19 7-18-5-22-5-14-7-5"." Once decoded it reads, "NEXT UP: "FOOTBOT TWO: GRUNKLE'S GREVENGE.'"

The Deep End[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "22-9-22-1-14 12-15-19 16-1-20-15-19 4-5 12-1 16-9-19-3-9-14-1". Once decoded it reads, "VIVAN LOS PATOS DE LA PISCINA". This is Spanish for "LONG LIVE THE POOL DUCKS."

Carpet Diem[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads"2-21-20 23-8-15 19-20-15-12-5 20-8-5 3-1-16-5-18-19?" Once decoded it reads, "BUT WHO STOLE THE CAPERS?"

Boyz Crazy[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "8-1-16-16-25 14-15-23, 1-18-9-5-12?" Once decoded it reads, "HAPPY NOW, ARIEL?", a reference to Alex Hirsch's sister Ariel Hirsch.

Land Before Swine[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "9-20 23-15-18-11-19 6-15-18 16-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-19!" Once decoded it reads, "IT WORKS FOR PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGS!"


  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "20-15 2-5 3-15-14-20-9-14-21-5-4 ..." Once decoded, it reads "TO BE CONTINUED..."

Gideon Rises[]

  • The images of the pages of one of the books shown during the end credits show a cryptogram that read "18-5-22-5-18-19-5 20-8-5 3-9-16-8-5-18-19" . Once decoded it reads, "REVERSE THE CIPHERS."

Combined Cipher[]

A Combined cipher is a mix of two or more ciphers seen in the show. Only one such cipher has been seen at the end of Gideon Rises. It's solved by switching the letters using A1Z26 cipher, then flipping it with the Atbash cryptogram, and finally by using the Caesar cryptogram. The Combined ciphers of Season 2 begin with the Vigenère cipher.

Gideon Rises[]

  • During the end credits of this episode, there is a cryptogram that reads "5-19-23-6-21-16 18-9-6 4-16-19 22-12-15-10-20-19-25-19-5" Once decoded, it reads "SEARCH FOR THE BLINDEYE".

Symbol Substitution Cipher[]

In 3, a symbol substitution cipher is used. The symbols are hidden on many pages of the journals.

Symbol substitution cipher table

Cryptogram Symbol cipher - A Symbol cipher - B Symbol cipher - C Symbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - E Symbol cipher - F Symbol cipher - G Symbol cipher - H Symbol cipher - I File:Symbol cipher - J.png Symbol cipher - K Symbol cipher - L Symbol cipher - M Symbol cipher - N Symbol cipher - O Symbol cipher - P File:Symbol cipher - Q.png Symbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - U Symbol cipher - V Symbol cipher - W File:Symbol cipher - X.png Symbol cipher - Y File:Symbol cipher - Z.png
Meaning A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - M Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - Y Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R . Once decoded, it reads "LIAR MONSTER SNAPPY DRESSER."

Gideon Rises[]

  • The page for the Squash with a Human Face and Emotions in 3 says Symbol cipher - D

Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - N'Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - HSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - M . Once decoded, it reads "DON'T EAT HIM".

  • The maze-like page in 3 contains the message Symbol cipher - T

Symbol cipher - HSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - HSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - C Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - M Symbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - GSymbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - Y Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - FSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - HSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - M Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - K Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - DSymbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - U Symbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - D Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - GSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - FSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - HSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - U Symbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - V Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - E.Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - U Symbol cipher - S ,Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - W Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - PSymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - BSymbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - BSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - Y Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - GSymbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - GSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - S Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - R Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - K Symbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - GSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - T Symbol cipher - OSymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - M Symbol cipher - ESymbol cipher - Space Symbol cipher - FSymbol cipher - ISymbol cipher - NSymbol cipher - ASymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - LSymbol cipher - Y . Once decoded it reads '"THE PORTAL WHEN COMPLETED WILL OPEN A GATEWAY TO INFINITE NEW WORLDS AND HERALD A NEW ERA IN MANKIND’S UNDERSTANDING OF THE UNIVERSE. PLUS, IT WILL PROBABLY GET GIRLS TO START TALKING TO ME FINALLY."

Season 2 cryptograms[]

External links[]

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Gravity Falls Logo
Gravity Falls (soundtrack) • Disney Super SpeedwayMystery Shack AttackRumble's RevengeDisney Infinity: 2.0 EditionLegend of the Gnome GemuletsLost Legends
Dipper PinesMabel PinesGrunkle StanFord PinesSoos RamirezWendy CorduroyWaddlesBill CipherSheriff BlubsDeputy DurlandManly DanOld Man McGucketTate McGucketGideon GleefulRobbie ValentinoCandy ChiuGrendaPacifica NorthwestPreston NorthwestPriscilla NorthwestErgman BratsmanBlendin BlandinBud GleefulLazy SusanMr. PoolcheckPaper Jam DipperRumble McSkirmishSummerween TricksterToby DeterminedShandra JimenezTyroneTyler CutebikerDipper ClonesTambryMelodyMayor BefufftlefumpterThompsonNateLeeGabe BensenGnomesGompersLilliputtiansSergeiPa and Ma DuskertonManotaursGobblewonkerXyler and CrazWax figuresMulti-BearQuentin TrembleyCheekumsMermandoAoshimaPterodactylAbuelitaMrs. GleefulThe UndeadShape ShifterAgent PowersAgent Trigger.GIFfanySprottLolph and DundgrenTime BabyGreg and Janice ValentinoLove GodMarius von FundshauserGhost of Northwest ManorBlind IvanJustin KerprankProbabilitor the AnnoyingCelestabellebethabelleDarleneUnnamed old woman in pinkUnnamed old woman in purple
Season One: Tourist TrappedThe Legend of the GobblewonkerHeadhuntersThe Hand That Rocks the MabelThe InconveniencingDipper vs. ManlinessDouble DipperIrrational TreasureThe Time Traveler's PigFight FightersLittle DipperSummerweenBoss MabelBottomless Pit!The Deep EndCarpet DiemBoyz CrazyLand Before SwineDreamscaperers/Gideon Rises

Season Two: Scary-okeInto the BunkerThe Golf WarSock OperaSoos and the Real GirlLittle Gift Shop of HorrorsSociety of the Blind EyeBlendin's GameThe Love GodNorthwest Mansion MysteryNot What He SeemsA Tale of Two StansDungeons, Dungeons, & More DungeonsThe Stanchurian CandidateThe Last MabelcornRoadside AttractionDipper and Mabel vs. the FutureWeirdmageddon

The Mystery ShackTent of TelepathyUnderground laboratoryGravity FallsGravity Falls ForestNorthwest ManorLake Gravity FallsGravity Falls PoolGravity Falls CemeteryDusk 2 DawnSummerween SuperstoreScuttlebutt IslandMystery MountainFearamid
Journal 1Journal 2Journal 3Smile DipPitt ColaHeight-altering crystalsCrystal FlashlightCloning Copy MachineCackling SkullsJack O' MelonsSoos' pick-up truckWax StanStanmobileElectron CarpetTape Measure Time MachineMemory GunMystic AmuletUniverse PortalGrappling hookThe Author's LaptopNathaniel Northwest's StatueInfinity-sided DiceTime CuffsShacktron
Gravity Falls Title ThemeDisco GirlLi'l Ol' MeThe Lamby Lamby DanceHomework's WackMabel's the Boss NowStan Wrong SongDon't Start Un-BelievingTraining MixMabel GirlTaking Over MidnightWe'll Meet AgainIt's Gonna Get Weird