Olivia "Liv" Rooney is one of the two main protagonists in the Disney Channel series Liv and Maddie. Liv is a famous actress and singer who has returned home following the end to her hit TV show Sing It Loud! and adjusts to life back with her family and is best friends with her twin sister, Maddie Rooney.
Liv is perky, energetic, and is very into fashion. Liv loves acting and singing and is very confident and enthusiastic when asked to do either of them. She always puts her family and friends first, and even when she messes up when trying to help them, she always has the best intentions at heart (as seen in "Twin-a-Rooney" and various other episodes). She is nice, graceful, often sees the good in everyone, and gives everyone a fair chance, even if they are usually are a bad person (as shown in "Steal-a-Rooney").
Physical appearance[]
Liv has wavy blonde hair, green eyes, and light skin, just like her twin. Liv is often seen wearing outfits that are a lot more on the fancier side. She wears skirts, dresses, cardigans, peplum tops, and shirts with girly designs. She doesn't usually wear simple clothing like her twin sister, Maddie. She dresses nicely with cute tops and skirts.
- Liv's birth name is Olivia.
- Liv was born on the 5th, meaning that her and Maddie have separate birthdays despite being twins.
- Liv has trouble making friends in school due to her transfer mid-year from Hollywood.
- Liv is 6 minutes older than her sister Maddie.
- She has starred in three TV shows: Sing It Loud!, Voltage, and Sing It Louder!!.
- Her voice is higher than Maddie's.