"Long Live the Queen" is a song from The Lion Guard.
It is sung by Nirmala, Anga, Fuli, and the animals of the Tree of Life, along with the rest of the Night Pride, Kion, and the Lion Guard in the episode "Long Live the Queen", as a song for Rani's coronation where Makini welcomes Rani as the new queen of the Tree of Life. With Rani as the new queen, Ullu and a flock of birds place make a trail of flowers and use it as a carpet for Rani to walk to her throne as the animals are happy to see the new queen of the Tree of Life.
In the series finale, "Return to the Pride Lands", it was later reprised as Long Live the King. It is sung by the Lion Guard chorus for Kion's wedding to Rani and coronation as the King of the Tree of Life after he retires as leader of the Lion Guard.
Nirmala: Long live the Queen
Fuli: We lift our voices up in praise
Anga: With wisdom, patience, strength, and guile
Nirmala: Watch over us, all our days
Tree of Life Inhabitants:
Our hearts and voices sing
All praise and glory bring
Goodwill and joy in everything
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
Fuli: Long live the queen
To rule the Tree of Life
Protect our land and keep it free
From sorrow and from strife
Tree of Life Inhabitants: Our hearts and voices sing
(Nirmala: Hearts and voices sing)
All praise and glory bring
(Anga: Praise and glory bring)
Goodwill and joy in everything
(Fuli: In everything)
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
(Nirmala: Long live the Queen)
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
(Anga: Long live the Queen)
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
(Fuli: Long live the Queen)
Long live, long live
Long live the queen
Long live the King
You are with the Queen side by side
The Circle of Life keeps moving on
The start of a new pride
Pride Landers and Tree of Life Inhabitants:
Our hearts and voices sing
(Hearts and voices sing)
All praise and glory bring
(Praise and glory bring)
Goodwill and joy in everything
(In everything)
Long live, long live, long live the Queen
(Long live the Queen)
Long live, long live, long live the King
(Long live the King)
Long live, long live, long live the Queen
(Long live the Queen)
Long live, long live, long live the King
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