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That's Long Term Memory. You could get lost in there!
―Sadness warning Joy[src]

Long Term Memory is a large maze/labyrinth-like area located in Riley's mind in the 2015 Disney/Pixar animated feature film Inside Out and its 2024 sequel. This place holds every one of Riley's known memories.


It takes the majority of the mind's area and consists of a maze of thousands of banks of stored memories. Since Joy created more memories than the other emotions, most of the orbs are yellow-colored. It communicates with Headquarters, the site of memory production, via numerous vacuum tubes. It is maintained by the Forgetters Paula and Bob, mind workers who remove faded memories and send them in the Memory Dump.

Official Description[]

Long Term Memory is a vast floor-to-very-high-ceiling storage facility that houses millions of Riley’s memories. Long Term Memory is staffed by Mind Workers, including the Forgetters, who evaluate the usefulness of each memory and eliminate those that no longer seem relevant.


Inside Out[]

After Joy and Sadness get vacuumed out of Headquarters, they ended up landing here. In order to get back at Headquarters, they must start their journey by first traveling through Long Term Memory. According to Sadness, she says that you can easily get lost in Long Term Memory due to its colossal size and maze-like pathways.



  • The shelves of Long Term Memory curve and bend in order to evoke the shape of the folds and wrinkles ("gyri" and "sulci") in the brain.

v - e - d
Films: Inside Out (video/soundtrack) • Inside Out 2 (video/soundtrack)

Shows: Dream Productions
'Shorts: Riley's First Date?
Video Games: Inside Out: Thought BubblesDisney Infinity: 3.0 EditionDisney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzLEGO The IncrediblesDisney Heroes: Battle ModeDisney Magic KingdomsDisney Speedstorm
Books: The Art of Inside OutThe Art of Inside Out 2

Disney Parks
The AnnexInside Out HeadquartersInside Out Emotional WhirlwindPLAY!Pixar Pal-A-Round

Entertainment: Pixar Playtime PalsPixar Pals Playtime Party
Restaurants: Angry Dogs
Shops: Bing Bong’s Sweet StuffInside Out: Joyful Sweets
Parades: Better Together: A Pixar Pals Celebration!Dreams.... And Shine Brighter!Move It! Shake It! Dance and Play It! Street PartyPixar Play Parade
Fireworks: Disney EnchantmentDisney in the StarsHappily Ever AfterIlluminate! A Nighttime CelebrationMomentousTogether Forever: A Pixar Nighttime Spectacular
Spring: Disney Color-Fest: A Street Party!
Summer: Pixar Water Play Street Party!
Christmas: World of Color: Season of Light

Inside Out: The Emotions (JoySadnessFearDisgustAnger) • Mrs. Andersen's EmotionsMr. Andersen's EmotionsBing BongRainbow UnicornThe ForgettersJangles the ClownJangles's EmotionsRiley AndersenMrs. AndersenMr. AndersenMegFrank and DaveJordanFritz Brazilian Helicopter PilotMind Workers

Inside Out 2: New Emotions (AnxietyEnvyEmbarrassmentEnnuiNostalgia) • Val OrtizGrace HsiehBree YoungCoach RobertsBloofyPouchyLance SlashbladeDeep Dark Secret
Deleted characters: GloomHopePrideLoveGuiltGreedDespairShameJealousySchadenfreudeRebellionSuspicionIdea Farmer

Riley's Mind: Emotion HeadquartersLong Term MemoryImagination LandDream ProductionsAbstract ThoughtPersonality IslandsSubconsciousMemory DumpBelief SystemVaultStream of ConsciousnessSar-ChasmBack of the Mind

Real Life locations: MinnesotaSan FranciscoRiley's HouseBay Area High School

Memory OrbsCore Memory OrbsTrain of ThoughtDaydreamsBottomless BagRocket WagonPixar BallA113Pizza Planet TruckSense of SelfBrainstorm
Bundle of JoyThe Bing Bong SongTripleDent GumItoshi no RileyBack in BlackTake My Breath AwayGrowing UpBloofy's House Theme SongA Scene
See also
The Science Behind PixarPixar in a Box