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Loopy is a minor character from the Adventures of the Gummi Bears episode, "Loopy, Go Home".

Role in the episode[]

Loopy is first seen as a wolf cub being rescued by his mother from a hunter, who illegally steals animals in King Gregor's lands and sells them to traveling shows, until she gets caught in one of the hunter's net traps. Loopy manages to escape the hunter before he can net him as well, and ends up inside Cubbi's sack instead. Loopy takes a sudden liking to the Gummi bear, but when Cubbi shows him to Gruffi and Tummi, Gruffi objects to the idea of keeping a wild animal for a pet, and remarks that he will never learn to take care of himself if not left all alone, despite Tummi taking a liking to the cub as well, whom he mistakes for a puppy at first, and much to Cubbi's dismay.

When Tummi and Cubbi try to bring the cub back out to the forest, on their way they find the hunter, who was after Loopy, pulling a cage wagon with Loopy's mother inside. Loopy tries to catch up with her, but it is too late. Tummi and Cubbi overhear from King Gregor's knights and Cavin that they are looking for the same hunter to bring him to justice for his illegal deeds involving animals. Realizing that Loopy is now without a mother to take care of him, Cubbi decides to adopt him as his pet wolf; even Tummi somewhat agrees to that idea as long as they can keep it a secret from Gruffi. Later at night, Cubbi feeds Loopy some leftovers from dinner and provides a "bed" for him to sleep in, but Loopy decides to sleep in Cubbi's bed instead. Cubbi is okay with the idea for one night only, and Loopy licks him affectionately. Seeing as to how the cub is so "loopy", he decides to name him Loopy.

As the days pass and Loopy grows bigger, Cubbi asks Zummi if he can have a pet when Loopy is found in the library, and Sunni, when Loopy is found in her room closet while playfully ripping up one of her dresses, to which they agree too. Finally, Loopy is seen as a full-grown adult wolf having fun jumping like a Gummi Bear with Cubbi and Tummi bouncing along. One night, Grammi catches Cubbi and Loopy sneaking some food from the kitchen for Loopy to eat. At first, Grammi decides that he should leave their home, until she changes her mind when she sees that Loopy is a sweet wolf with a great taste for her broccoli muffins, and Gruffi's silly idea about Cubbi "not [being] old enough to keep him."

One day, while Gruffi is busy cleaning their overhead light aquarium, Cubbi is having some fun riding on Loopy's back in the forest (with the hunter secretly following Loopy's tracks) until they unintentionally jump over a bush and into the pond above Gummi Glen, where they are finally discovered by Gruffi. Gruffi tries to shoo the wolf away with a stick, thinking he's trying to harm Cubbi when pulling him out of the water, but Cubbi assures him that Loopy is his friend and well-tamed. Gruffi suddenly realizes that Cubbi did keep the wolf cub after all and decides that Loopy, being a wild animal, must leave at once and try to learn to take care of himself, despite the other Gummies' objections and attempts of convincing him otherwise. Cubbi decides that if Loopy must go, then he must go as well.

After Cubbi runs away with Loopy, the Gummies (except for Gruffi) try to find him, but go the wrong way, so Gruffi decides to take matters into his own hands. Later, Cubbi is seen teaching Loopy how to scare and drive enemies off, for if he ever wants Loopy to survive and take care of himself alone out in the wild, only to have Loopy lick him instead. Gruffi finally finds Cubbi with Loopy and decides to sneak up on him and scold him, but after noticing what Cubbi is actually trying to do for Loopy, and overhearing Cubbi talking about how Gruffi is right, he changes his mind and decides to apologize to Cubbi once he returns home.

However, as Gruffi is headed for home, he is captured in a net trap by the same hunter who caught Loopy's mother. Seeing as to how the bear can talk, the hunter decides to take him away and make a fortune out of him. After hearing Gruffi calling out, Cubbi tries to help him. Loopy is too scared, however, so it is up to Cubbi to save him with Gummiberry Juice. But Cubbi also gets caught in the process. Seeing that Gruffi and Cubbi are in danger and hearing Cubbi calling for Loopy's help, Loopy finally overcomes his fear, develops real animal instincts, jumps like a Gummi Bear onto the hunter, and saves them while growling and bouncing the hunter some more.

When Gruffi, Cubbi, and Loopy hear sounds headed their way, they decide to hide while leaving the hunter to finally get arrested by the knights who have been after him since the beginning. When the hunter mentions Gummi Bears, Cavin and the knights object to the idea and arrest him.

Later, Loopy unites with another wolf pack and finds love in a female wolf member. Gruffi admits he was wrong for his earlier ideas about Loopy, and allows Cubbi to keep him. Cubbi thanks him, but states that it's too late. He tells Loopy good-bye and that the wolf pack is where he truly belongs. Loopy licks him good-bye and runs off with the pack. Gruffi tells Cubbi that what he did was a very grown-up thing to do and that he's very proud of him. Cubbi then states that "maybe [he] should've gotten a goldfish after all," as the two walk back home.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Loopy.

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Adventures of the Gummi Bears logo
Adventures of the Gummi Bears (Videography) • Comic stripBooksDisney Emoji Blitz
Disney Parks
Motor Boat Cruise to Gummi Glen
Gummi Bears: ZummiGruffiGrammiTummiSunniCubbiGustoBuddyGrittyChummi GummiSir GallantSir ThornberryUrsaGrubby

Other Characters: CavinPrincess CallaKing GregorSir TuxfordArtie DecoDragonsLoopyBeevilweevilsGriffinsAquarianneFinwithitChillbeardChillbeard Jr.BogglesSir GawainPrince Yen MoonPrincess MarieKing Jean-ClaudeDoctor DexterMadame PlaceboRamasVictor IgthornNogumGigglinAbbot CostelloTree FolkCliff DragonsGustav the Giant
Villains: Duke IgthornToadwartTadpoleOgresLady BaneEthelyn and EmmadrilTrollsTrogglesCarpiesAirielsFloogelJabberfliesSluggardGargoyleHunterGiantMalsingerAngelo DaviniRotocelliLord WilloughbyFlint ShrubwoodZorlock and GrotMarquis de BouillabaisseMarzipanDreaded OneUnwin

Season One: "A New Beginning" • "The Sinister Sculptor/Zummi Makes it Hot" • "Someday My Prints Will Come/Can I Keep Him?" • "A Gummi in a Gilded Cage" • "The Oracle/When You Wish Upon a Stone" • "A Gummi by Any Other Name" • "Loopy, Go Home/A-Hunting We Will Go" • "The Fence Sitter/Night of the Gargoyle" • "The Secret of the Juice" • "Sweet and Sour Gruffi/Duel of the Wizards" • "What You See is Me/Toadie's Wild Ride" • "Bubble Trouble/Gummi in a Strange Land" • "Light Makes Right"

Season Two: "Up, Up, and Away" • "Faster Than a Speeding Tummi/For a Few Sovereigns More" • "Over the River and Through the Trolls/You Snooze, You Lose" • "The Crimson Avenger" • "A Hard Dazed Knight/Do Unto Ogres" • "For Whom the Spell Holds" • "Little Bears Lost/Guess Who's Gumming to Dinner?" • "My Gummi Lies Over the Ocean"
Season Three: "Too Many Cooks/Just a Tad Smarter" • "If I Were You/Eye of the Beholder" • "Presto Gummo/A Tree Grows in Dunwyn" • "Day of the Beevilweevils" • "Water Way to Go/Close Encounters of the Gummi Kind" • "Snows Your Old Man/Boggling the Bears" • "The Knights of Gummadoon" • "Mirthy Me/Gummi Dearest"
Season Four: "The Magnificent Seven Gummies" • "Music Hath Charms/Dress for Success" • "A Knight to Remember/Gummies Just Want to Have Fun" • "There's No Place Like Home/Color Me Gummi" • "He Who Laughs Last" • "Tummi's Last Stand/The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again" • "Ogre Baby Boom/The White Knight" • "Good Neighbor Gummi/Girl's Knight Out" • "Top Gum" • "Gummi's At Sea"
Season Five: "A Gummi a Day Keeps the Doctor Away/Let Sleeping Giants Lie" • "The Road to Ursalia" •"Bridge on the River Gummi/Life of the Party" • "My Kingdom for a Pie/The World According to Gusto" • "Ogre for a Day" • "Princess Problems/A Gummi is a Gummi's Best Friend" • "Beg, Burrow and Steal" • "Return to Ursalia" • "Never Give a Gummi an Even Break"
Season Six: "A Gummi's Work is Never Done" • "Friar Tum" • "Tuxford's Turnaround" • "Toadie the Conqueror" • "Zummi in Slumberland" • "Patchwork Gummi" • "Thornberry to the Rescue" • "Once More, the Crimson Avenger" • "A Recipe for Trouble" • "Queen of the Carpies" • "True Gritty" • "King Igthorn - Parts I & II" • "Tummi Trouble" • "Rocking Chair Bear" • "Trading Faces" • "May the Best Princess Win" • "Wings Over Dunwyn" • "The Rite Stuff"

Dunwyn CastleDrekmore CastleGummi GlenGummadoonQuick TunnelsDeserted IslandGusto FallsSouth GumtonShangwuUrsaliaLady Bane's CastleNew Gumbria
Great Book of GummiGummiberry JuiceGummi Bear MedallionGummi Flying MachineChanging HatGummiscopeTall Tales of The Gummi BearDragon DecoyUrsalia HornDoomsday Clock
Gummi Bears ThemeGummiberry JuiceRough, Tough, Burly Sailor Song
See also
The Disney AfternoonDisney Afternoon SoundtrackLet's Go to Disneyland Paris