Lucky Toupée is an animated short film in the Short Circuit series produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios released as a Disney+ exclusive on January 24, 2020.
This clever bit of balderdash lifts the lid on an original tale about a hijacked hairpiece, a gang of larcenous leprechauns, and a budding romance.
In Ireland, Devin O'Leary has been in contact with his sweetheart Kate for sometime through letters and plans to reunite with her for a date. He has made a deal with Leprechaun Gangsters of Lucky Toupée & Wigs to handcraft a wig for him as he has gone bald on top.
The day of his meeting with Kate arrives as the Leprechauns deliver a box with his new toupée inside. A Leprechaun present (identified through a mugshot as Willie Potatoes) arrives asking for the money Devin owes. Devin cannot pay in full and in desperation a fight for the wig ensues with Devin tossing Willie out the window.
Devin answers the door to see Kate looking gorgeous as ever. Willie surprises Devin and snatches his wig away, much to his horror. However, Kate reveals that she has been in touch with Lucky Toupée & Wigs as well as she too has gone bald on top. The two happily resume their date, arm and arm.
- Tucker Gilmore as Devin O'Leary / Leprechauns
- Lauren Albers as Kate
- This was the first of the Short Circuit shorts to be made. Due to this, the characters in this short make cameo appearances in the others.
- Nikki Mull's daughter's name is hidden in the short.