Luki's Shave Ice, known simply as Shave Ice in Lilo & Stitch: The Series, is a food stand where ice cream and shave ice, a Hawaiian dessert similar to shaved ice, are usually sold. It appears as both a brick-and-mortar business in a building or structure and as a traveling food cart; this article focuses solely on the building/structure.
In "Slushy", Luki can be seen running the Shave Ice stand and offers both Lilo and Stitch snow cones, even though Stitch initially declined due to being afraid of trying new things, although he overcomes this. The stand later becomes Experiment 523's (Slushy's) one true place where he makes shave ice for people using his ice breath, after he was captured and rehabilitated by Lilo and Stitch, and they are both seen enjoying snow cones.
At the end of "Dupe", Experiment 344 (Dupe) is seen at the Shave Ice stand with Slushy, in which Dupe makes half-calorie shave ice by duplicating a snow cone made by Slushy.
In "Angel", Slushy is seen again making shave ice. Later, Experiment 624 (Angel) appears and sits on top of the stand's counter. She then reverts Slushy to evil again by singing her siren song, after which Slushy wreaks havoc while at the Shave Ice stand.
In "Snafu", Slushy can be seen once again making shave ice with Dupe. Later, Gantu attempts to revert Slushy and Dupe to evil with a recording of Angel's song, but due to interference from Experiment 120 (Snafu), Gantu's karaoke tape is played instead, much to Slushy and Dupe's amusement.