Marissa serves as a neighbor of the Buckman family's house. Despite her neutral personality, she is shown to have a dislike when Phyllis is about to be a failure as in the case where Phyllis was unable to have her work published using her typewriter. Not much of her personality is known as she only appears briefly in one scene.
Role in the film[]
Marissa approaches Phyllis who is impressed by the victrola, as she tells her that she will tell the reporter that romance is timeless - only to be interrupted when a song plays on her phone, deciding to turn it off. She then plans to offer some Hickory Farms to her and just as she engages into an interview, Marissa tells her that she is about to be a failure. During the interview, Marissa is upset her that she has faced a writer's block as well as convincing her that things should be gone right by letting people back in and that something would go right. She also warns Phyllis that she cannot sell books without good press. Later during dinner time, Phyllis tells her husband George that the interview will be about basic questions, which she is terrified during Marissa's interview, fearing that she might fail just as George decides to help her to deal with this. She does not appear again throughout the rest of the film.
Marissa always seen wearing glasses in the only scene she appears. This reflects that of her actress, Janeane Garofalo, who also wears glasses in real life,
Despite her small amount of screen time, her actress Janeane Garofalo was listed in the film's starring cast section of the end credits.