Mark Griff is the father of the title character of the animated series Stanley. He is a stay-at-home father, but he works as a cartoonist. Though he works at home and is very busy, Mr. Griff always tries to make time for his sons, such as in "A Billy Goat for Dad". In that episode, he and Stanley perform the song "Just You and Me".
- "Kangaroo Clean-Up"
- "Daddy Pride"
- "Bearly Awake"
- "The Eagle Has Landed"
- "Watch Out for Lionels"
- "Growing Pains"
- "Frog Legs"
- "Whoo's Afraid of the Dark?" (cameo)
- "Tiger Hunt"
- "Camel Commotion"
- "A Whale of a Song"
- "Sloth for a Day"
- "Busy, Busy Octopus"
- "Honest Ostrich"
- "Whole Lotta Snakin' Going On"
- "The Joker"
- "Baby Pictures"
- "Leave it to Beavers"
- "You've Got Pigeon Mail"
- "Garbage Can Bandit"
- "Little Dog Lost"
- "The Big Spill"
- "Peekaboo Parrot"
- "Sea Lion Slip-Up"
- "Save the Bluebird!"
- "Eel-lectricity"
- "Roller Rhino"
- "Guess What's Coming to Dinner" (cameo)
- "A Billy Goat for Dad"
- "Grandma Griff's Mystery Guest"
- "It Pays to Be a Pelican"
- "Woodpecker Woes"
- "P.U. Pup"
- "Mockingbird Scat"
- "Horsepower"
- "Proud as a Peacock"
- "Sunburn Stanley"
- "Time for Toolfish"
- "Flashlight Fireflies"
- "Mysterious Moe"
- "Koala Cuddle"
- "Double-Duty Dad"
- "Look Who's Helping"
- "Stanley's Super Spectacles"
- "The Ugly Griffling"
- "Under the Umbrella Bird"
- "A Little Nightingale Music"
- "Super Squirrel"
- "Outfoxing Lionel"
- "Stanley's Dinosaur Round-Up"
- "Pearls of Wisdom"
- "A Turkey of a Thanksgiving"
- "Living with Leopards"
- "The Way of the Buffalo"
- "Follow That Falcon"
- "Shell Game" (cameo)
- "Sheep and a Haircut"
- "Ladybug, Ladybug"
- "Curse of the Angry Coral"
- "A Little Bird Told Me"
- "Stanley's Great Big Book of Adventure"