Marvel Heroes Unite is a stage show on board the Disney Cruise Line's Disney Magic as part of a promotional event titled "Marvel Day at Sea", and at Walt Disney Studios Park as part of a promotional event titled "Marvel Summer of Super Heroes", where it was retitled Marvel: L'Alliance des Super Héros..
The show plays only on nights as "Marvel Day at Sea" culminates. Tony Stark, dressed for the occasion in his Iron Man armor, throws an exclusive gala on the high seas aboard the Disney Magic to unveil the latest Stark Industries technology. Super Heroes like Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye make their grand entrances to join him.
The party suddenly turns into a battle at sea when the villainous Red Skull, Loki Laufeyson and sinister cohorts invade the ship. As a special guest at the gala, you’re in the middle of the ensuing action! The excitement continues as the witness heroic entrances by Thor Odinson, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange. Even Star-Lord, Gamora and Groot join this ultimate confrontation of Super Heroes and Villains.
Walt Disney Studios Park[]
This live-action super-production mixes a huge 400 m2 stage with one of the biggest LED screens in Europe, incredible special effects and, for the first time, in a Disney Park, the indoor use of drones beneath unbelievable aerial choreography for a truly spectacular show.
Thanos bring trouble to the Avengers and their allies after finding a way to manipulate them, turning them against each another. Thanos succeeds in distracting the Avengers from their top priority which is to protect all mankind. Luckily, the Heroes will unite to thwart his evil plans. With a few more twists and turns the ultimate battle between good and evil prevails.