Marvel Productions Ltd. (MP), last called New World Animation, was a television and film studio subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment Group (MEG), based in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. Originally an animation studio, Marvel Productions produced such notable television shows, motion pictures and television specials, such as Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, The Transformers: The Movie, The Incredible Hulk, and G.I. Joe: The Movie. Most productions of Marvel Productions are now owned by The Walt Disney Company, with several exceptions.
List of shows, specials and movies[]
Disney Properties[]
Marvel Properties[]
- Spider-Man (1981)
- Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
- The Incredible Hulk (1982)
- X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men (1989, aired on the Marvel Action Universe block)
- Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994-1998)
- as New World Animation
- Fantastic Four (1994, aired on the Marvel Action Hour/Marvel Action Universe block)
- Iron Man (1994, aired on the Marvel Action Hour/Marvel Action Universe block)
- The Incredible Hulk (1996)
- as Saban Productions
- X-Men: The Animated Series (1992-1997)
Henson Properties[]
- NOTE: All programs are co-productions with Henson Associates, eventually doing business as Jim Henson Productions. Except where noted, the rights to these series are now held by The Muppets Studio, LLC, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company.
- Muppet Babies (1984)
- Little Muppet Monsters (animated segments, 1985)
See also[]
External links[]
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